Since 1999 the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) has offered a ‘Master in Fire Safety’ as an open education. The master is aimed at persons who will lead and coordinate tasks within fire technology both in private companies and in the public sector.
If all modules are attended, the duration of the education is typically 4 half years (semesters), where the working load is corresponding to half time. The courses are to a great extent taught as remote learning via the Internet containing 3 meetings with duration of 1½-2 days. The typical availability is 3 courses per semester.
Course fee
Kr. 18.000 covering the access course ”Engineering Mathematics and Physics for Bachelors”
Kr. 11.000 per course
Kr. 24.500 covering Fire Engineering Project Task
Besides this, expenses for books plus other teaching material, software and excursions is to be added. DTU expects that the course fee in great extent will be paid by the participants’ employers. When the deposit of course fee is registered in DTU’s system, there will be no refunding.